Outline Pursuits: Gaze-assisted Selection of Occluded Objects in

Building Outline Extraction Using a Heuristic Approach Based on

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Outline Pursuits: Gaze-assisted Selection of Occluded Objects in

In. Hands-free Outline Pursuits potential targets are identified by head pointing followed by smooth pursuit of one of the generated outlines. In this 
Pursuit Selection in VR

Salient Building Outline Enhancement and Extraction Using Iterative

6 juin 2019 In this paper our goal is salient building outline enhancement ... tion that salient outlines for buildings are usually straight

Go Mapping Theory and Factor Space Theory Part I: An Outline

22 juin 2018 L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche

Fixed-outline Floorplanning Through Better Local Search

Classical floorplanning minimizes a linear combina- tion of area and wirelength. When Simulated Annealing is used e.g.
iccd floorplan

EIFL Digital Research Literacy Training Programme Outline for

EIFL Digital Literacy Programme Outline for Librarians / October 2020. 2
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Holes in the Outline : Subject-dependent Abstract Quality and its

Holes in the Outline: Subject-dependent Abstract Quality and its Implications for Scientific Literature Search. Chien-yu Huang and Arlene Casey.

Outline for a theory of intelligence - Systems Man and Cybernetics

Outline for a Theory of Intelligence. James S. Albus. Abstract-Intelligence is defined as that which produces suc- cessful behavior.

An Outline of a Theory of Three-way Decisions

cisions of rough sets to a much wider context this paper outlines a theory of three-way decisions. Information about this paper: Yao
a theory of three way decisions

ESSS Outline - New models of care at home

24 nov. 2021 Suggested citation: Sanders R (2021) ESSS Outline: New models of care at ... perspectives Ageing and Society
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