Metadata description and formalizing documentation procedures

Output file

Within the process several international conventions 1Professor

Output file

the legal provisions within the procedure for assignment of the public procurement contract

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11 juil. 2007 journalism practice and by judging cases of malpractice (Runcan 2002

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within the structure of the economic phenomenon/process the purpose is the dominant cause of any such phenomenon/process. For the moment

Metadata description and formalizing documentation procedures

30 nov. 2017 which metadata standards DANUBIUS-RI will implement will be reached by ... MEDIAINFO OUTPUT FOR A DIGITAL VIDEO FILE (VIDEOMD STANDARD) .

Output file

In general evaluations show how satisfied or unsatisfied is a buyer or a seller about the online transaction or his partner after the ending of the process. A 

Output file

ot contribute to their own to testify against oneself is d/ the defendant against the eself is related to criminal proceedings concerning all e ruled that 

Output file


Metadata description and formalizing documentation procedures

MediaInfo output for a digital video file (videoMD standard). Type. Element. Value. G eneral. Complete name. C:Danubius-RI EN.mp4.
. Metadata description and formalizing documentation procedures

Output file

Keywords: adhering process; growth rate; unemp. JEL Classification: R11; R12; R13 1Professor PhD