Crime in India – 2019

Outraging modesty of a woman [S. 354] 354. Assault or criminal

Outraging modesty of a woman [S. 354]. 354. Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty.-. Whoever assaults or uses criminal force 
vinita section Indian Penal Code

Details of IPC Sections 153A 295 & 295A



concerned mainly with putting an end to the "outrages" generally do not go deep into the nature of the outbreaks. William Logans 'Malabar-.

Tackling Violence Against Women: A Study of State Intervention

The infamous “Nirbhaya” case which generated widespread outrage and was To stop violence against women well-meaning men must do more than merely avoid.
Final Draft report BSS

A Malayalam and English dictionary

into a Malayalam Dictionary has been a task of even greater difficulty. As this Dictionary is not intended for abikramam S. Excess outrage

Crime in India – 2019

was followed by rape with 13.4% (1110 cases) and assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty with 10.7% (880 cases). [Table – 7C.3].
CII Volume

Malayalam meaning of passion

25 oct. 2020 Malayalam meaning and translation of the word "an agony uncle" For the ... Joy Kindness Loneliness Love Lust Nostalgia Outrage Panic Passion ...

Hate Speech

intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its Court limited the meaning of the term 'hatred' to extreme manifestations.

Sexual Harassment cover page .cdr

thereby outrage her modesty shall be punished with imprisonment or fined or both. THE LAW SAYS A) Sexual harassment -. 1. physical contact and advances ...
Sexual Harassment, English Jagori


6 sept. 2018 Getting further deeper into the meaning it is understood that the name may be a convenient concept for identification but the essence ...
Judgement Sep

  1. atrocity meaning in malayalam
  2. resentment meaning in malayalam
  3. fury meaning in malayalam
  4. rage meaning in malayalam
  5. wrath meaning in malayalam
  6. anger meaning in malayalam
  7. indignation meaning in malayalam
  8. kollam fury meaning in malayalam