Its a rave new world: Rave culture and illicit drug use in the young

Drug checking as a harm reduction tool for recreational drug users

30 oct. 2017 However the drug users that have followed in the slipstream of the electronic dance music revolution of the early 1990s and changing nightlife ...
EuropeanResponsesGuide BackgroundPaper Drug checking harm reduction

Strategic choices for reducing overdose deaths

The drug consultancy office (adviesburo drugs); focused on dance culture and XTC During the nineties the number of overdose cases decreased rapidly.
fp drug a frep en

Raves Information Bulletin

Raves evolved from 1980s dance parties aided by the emergence of. European techno music and American house music. (See Rave Music text.

It's a rave new world: Rave culture and illicit drug use in the young

decline in the late 1990s the use of marijuana
.full text

Hacking the Future: Stories for the Flesh-Eating 90s

Techno music from Italy with Dutch DJ's laying a heavy algorithmic 4/4 track on sweating flesh as we try to fly away to that happy <helmet zone in the sky. You 
Kroker Arthur HackingTheFuture ?sequence=

Inquest into the death of six patrons of NSW music festivals

8 nov. 2019 Is there a toxic level of MDMA that will lead to overdose and/or fatal overdose? ... dance parties throughout the 1980s and 1990s.216.
Music Festival Redacted findings in the joint inquest into deaths arising at music festivals


13 juin 2016 Opioids and opioid overdose are a recent health care and public safety ... considerations for new techno logy and expanded public access ...
Public Meeting CityCouncil RegularMeeting REG .

Substance-Exposed Infants: State Responses to the Problem

In the early 1990s some practitioners and researchers held that prenatal drug exposure inevitably produced lasting damage
Substance Exposed Infants

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the hospital after overdosing on some strong. 13 medications. The Court Reporter turned some of my techno ... Uh however

Cet ouvrage présente les travaux du groupe d'experts réunis par l

abus (overdose) mais celui d'une simple consommation