HEP analysis in the Numpy ecosystem

HEP analysis in the Numpy ecosystem

7/11/2018 uproot: reader and writer of the ROOT file format in Python. awkward-array: extensions of array programming idioms to non-rectangular and deeply ...
pivarski hsf numpy

Histogram interoperability

1/10/2018 Histogramming in Python pip? name last release ... f["name"] = numpy.histogram(numpy.random.normal(0 1
pivarski histogram interop

Rapidly moving data from ROOT to Numpy and Pandas

28/02/2018 A pure Python + Numpy implementation of ROOT I/O. ... around a fundamental abstraction called the Numpy array. ... histogram.show().
pivarski uproot

Boost-histogram: High-Performance Histograms as Objects

Abstract—Unlike arrays and tables histograms in Python have usually been Index Terms—Histogram
henry schreiner

Boost-histogram: High-Performance Histograms as Objects

Abstract—Unlike arrays and tables histograms in Python have usually been Index Terms—Histogram
henry schreiner


17/10/2019 Histograms in Python. ▷ Boost.Histogram in C++14. ▷ Introducing: boost-histogram for Python ... array = np.random.normal(0 1


29/07/2022 NumPy array view into histogram counts no overflow bins ... While Histograms do conform to the Python buffer protocol

C++11 histogram library for Boost

17/09/2018 Multi-dimensional histogram in C++. – Python bindings included based on boost.python. • Numpy & pickle support.

rootpy: Pythonic ROOT - rootpy.org-.5cm

13/03/2013 rootpy provides an interface with the scientific Python packages: Noel Dawe (rootpy) ... ROOT histograms with NumPy arrays.
rootpy talk


16/02/2022 Boost-histogram (source) is a Python package providing Python bindings for ... NumPy array view into histogram counts no overflow bins.