Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Statistics and Causal Inference

1986 American Statistical Association. Journal of the American Statistical Association. December 1986 Vol. 81

Causal association of type 2 diabetes with amyotrophic lateral

Causal association of type 2 diabetes with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: new evidence from Mendelian randomization using. GWAS summary statistics.

Association and Causation

support a causal inference. Study Notes. Epidemiologic studies yield statistical associations between a disease and exposure. This is only the first step.
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Causal inference in statistics: An overview

dertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal Equation (1) still does not properly express the causal relationship implied by.

Investigating Causal Associations of Diet-Derived Circulating

8 août 2022 Summary statistics for digestive system cancers were obtained from the UK ... causal association between diet-derived antioxidants and the ...

Causal Inference Using Potential Outcomes: Design Modeling

Causal effects are defined as comparisons of potential outcomes under different treatments on a common Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Causality: Some Statistical Aspects

Section 3 discusses attempts to define causality as statistical association which cannot be explained away via confounding variables stressing both the 

Comparison of Six Statistics of Genetic Association Regarding Their

19 oct. 2011 the genotyped markers and genetically linked causal vari- ants. We have compared six statistics of genetic association.

Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Statistics and Causal Inference. 285 causal claims from associations alone even at the population level—behind every causal conclusion there must lie some 
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Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables

variables (IV) estimand can be embedded within the Rubin Causal Model (RCM) and that 446 Journal of the American Statistical Association June 1996.