1 Replace the phrase underlined with the structure have something

Causatives Exercise 1: Have / Get Something Done

Causatives Exercise 1: Have / Get Something Done. Change these examples into the structure 'have + object + past participle' or 'get + object + past.
causatives exercise

The Causative – to have something done (8th form)

The Causative – to have something done (8th form). [ We use the expression 'to have something done' ( have + object + past participle) to say:.
d e e

Causatives Exercise 2: Have someone do something / Get someone

Change the sentences to use the structures 'have someone do something' or 'get someone to do something'. Each one starts with 'I'.
causatives exercise

AEGrammar 4

Part A Causative Verbs and Infinitive Form Exercise 3 Choose the correct causative verb. ... Exercise 1 Circle the causative verbs in the sentences.
Active English Grammar


Exercise 1: Write the sentences in the causative form. A – Now try to rewrite these sentences using the causative structure: 1. My hair is too long. I'm ...
schede causative verbs

Building Resultatives Semantics Archive

For Levin the core transitive verbs are those that have a “causative event structure”
Building Resultatives

1 Replace the phrase underlined with the structure have something

2 Read the situations and make sentences using a causative structure. a. There was a bank robbery at the bank this morning.

Causative verbs: Let Make


The Semantics and Syntax of the Causative Construction in English

sanctioning your leave tomorrow. The second piece of evidence comes :From an exercise in translation from. English into a South Asian language.