Portal Hypertension: Introduction

Device Management and Flow Optimization on Left Ventricular

tance also reduce blood return to the LVAD thus reducing the LV filling pressure and causing a drop in pump flow. The pattern of low flow and low power 

Interpretation of peripheral arterial and venous Doppler waveforms

Distal obstructive lesions cause increased vascular resistance which appears in the waveform as decreased diastolic flow or reversed flow
interpretation of peripheral arterial and venous doppler waveforms a consensus statement vm

EMA Medical Terms Simplifier

problems with the blood flow to the heart angina unstable chest pain caused by interruptions in the heart's blood supply
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Your Guide to Lowering Blood Pressure

It increases the risk of heart disease (see box 1) and stroke which are the first- and third-leading causes of death among Americans. High blood pressure 
hbp low

Pulmonary Vascular Complications of Liver Disease

for the normal flow of blood from the right to left side of your heart. One factor that causes problems in the blood vessels of the lungs is the diseased 
liver disease

Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease

Exposure to secondhand smoke causes heart disease in nonsmokers. More Strokeis a loss of brain function caused when blood flow within the.
fs smoking CVD

Living With Atrial Fibrillation

Management of illnesses that may worsen Afib or lead to heart problems (e.g. high blood pressure When there is decreased blood flow can cause damage.
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Multiple Myeloma Early Detection Diagnosis


Portal Hypertension: Introduction

hyperdynamic pulses and low systolic blood pressures in the range of 100–110 mm It is caused by increased blood flow in the umbilical and periumbilical ...
portal hypertension

ACHA Q and A: Pulmonary Hypertension

There are many problems in the heart that can cause PH. If you have a connection (shunt) in your heart that creates extra blood flow to the lungs this can 

  1. causes of reduced blood flow to the heart
  2. causes of slow blood flow to the heart
  3. causes of decreased blood flow to the heart
  4. what causes low blood supply to the heart
  5. what can cause reduced blood flow to the heart