The Morphological Signatures Related to Heterogeneous Motility of

Comprehensive Analysis of Constraint on the Spatial Distribution of

tently stronger constraint (i.e. less genetic variation) in protein-coding regions compared tering approaches incorporate cancer-specific assumptions.
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Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-Small Cell Lung. Cancer. Version 3.2020 — February 11 2020. Continue or microscopic positive margins.58
non small

The Morphological Signatures Related to Heterogeneous Motility of

19 févr. 2020 Cancer Cells Under Constraints ... Cancer cell metastasis is a leading cause of cancer-related death. However lit-.
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Physical constraints on accuracy and persistence during breast

10 avr. 2019 To this end we perform experiments using a triple-negative human breast cancer cell line. (MDA-MB-231). Invasion of tumor cells in vivo is ...

SCARLET: Single-Cell Tumor Phylogeny Inference with Copy

22 avr. 2020 phylogenies from cancer sequencing data is that somatic muta- ... copy-number profiles of cells provide constraints on mutation losses.
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Technical and biological constraints on ctDNA-based genotyping

12 avr. 2021 Cell-free ctDNA in peripheral blood is an important new biomarker source in oncology. Early detection of plasma ctDNA promises to improve cancer ...
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SCARLET: Single-Cell Tumor Phylogeny Inference with Copy

22 avr. 2020 phylogenies from cancer sequencing data is that somatic muta- ... copy-number profiles of cells provide constraints on mutation losses.

Cancer progression as a learning process

adaptation of cancer cells to stress whether a drug or a lethal new environment. the low dimensional state of the cell
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Tumor Neoantigens: When Too Much of a Good Thing Is Bad

11 nov. 2019 However a recent study in Cell by Wolf et al. demonstrates that high intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) for cancer neoantigens paradox- ically ...
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A Model for Cancer Chemotherapy with State Space Constraints∗

example of a simple model for cancer chemotherapy to compare the structure of extremals when upper limits on the total number of cancer cells are imposed 

  1. cell constraint & cancer