A fence function for adherens junctions in epithelial cell polarity

Epithelial IL-18 Equilibrium Controls Barrier Function in Colitis

3 déc. 2015 demonstrating that colitis severity is controlled at the level of IL-18 signaling in intestinal epithelial cells. IL-18 inhibited goblet cell ...
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Microbial Metabolite Regulation of Epithelial Cell-Cell Interactions

10 mars 2022 the intestinal epithelium [8]. There is a wide variety of metabolites necessary for main- taining and restoring barrier function including short ...

Regulation of Ipsilateral and Contralateral Bovine Oviduct Epithelial

30 oct. 2002 functions and 5 of which matched genes without a known func- ... ulated in ipsilateral and contralateral oviduct epithelial cells is.

Intestinal epithelia and barrier functions

The mucosal epithelia of the digestive tract acts as a selective barrier permeable to ions

Enhancement of Epithelial Barrier Function by Probiotics

8 août 2011 Several strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are able to compete with pathogens for binding to intestinal epithelial cells and can ...

Rescue of CF airway epithelial cell function in vitro by a CFTR

3 nov. 2009 function can rescue epithelial cell function in human CF airway. cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR).

Generation of functional conjunctival epithelium including goblet

2 févr. 2021 cells from hiPSC-derived SEAMs to fabricate functional corneal epithelia. These epithelial cell sheets were able to successfully.
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Senolytic drugs target€alveolar epithelial cell function and attenuate

Alveolar epithelial cell senescence occurs in IPF and senolytic treatment attenuates function and attenuate experimental lung fibrosis ex vivo.

Intestinal Epithelial Cell Function IL-13-Induced Alterations in

Intestinal Epithelial Cell Function. IL-13-Induced Alterations in Murine. Role of STAT6 and Mast Cells in IL-4- and. D. Finkelman and Terez Shea-Donohue.
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A fence function for adherens junctions in epithelial cell polarity

11 avr. 2019 Adherens junctions are a defining feature of all epithelial cells providing cell- cell adhesion and being essential for cell and tissue ...
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  1. epithelial cell features
  2. ciliated epithelial cell function
  3. ciliated epithelial cell function and adaptation
  4. gut epithelial cell function
  5. cuboidal epithelial cell function
  6. epithelial cell function and structure
  7. epithelial cell function and adaptation
  8. epithelial cell function in small intestine