Sex Lies and TV: Censorship and Subtitling

明代職官中英辭典Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government

30 avr. 2020 translation and alternative title names (including abbreviations
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Censorship by Translation in the Soviet Union Marianna Tax Choldin

not simply an abridged translation of Working it is a censored version of plete English translations as well as in Russian

Sex Lies and TV: Censorship and Subtitling

causes noise and the illusion of the translation as the alter ego of the movies in English (although this could also be an instance of censorship

Translating Taboo Language in Joyce's "Ulysses": A Special Edition

A comparison of the passages in English marked as objectionable by the us censor an. Subirai s first translation of them into Spanish shows a series of 

The under-translation and self-censorship in English-Chinese

rather deliberate decisions made by translators being self-censors. 2. Under-translation as the linguistic manipulation in. English-Chinese subtitling.
Isabelle Chou

Escolar - dissertation - final

Contaminating Conversions: Narrating Censorship Translation
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Vicking With the Censors: Joyce's Bold Use of the Suppressed in an

instead the syllable is conveyed (but only thinly veiled) by means of a Latin adverb. pornographic works

The Translation of Sex-Related Language: The Danger (s) of Self

censorship whose ideological design is pretty obvious—i.e. The. Second Sex (1952)

Sex Lies and TV: Censorship and Subtitling

causes noise and the illusion of the translation as the alter ego of the movies in English (although this could also be an instance of censorship

"Clearing the Smoke to See the Screen: Ideological Manipulation in

audiovisual translation subtitling
Diaz Cintas Meta art Segment

  1. sensor meaning in english dictionary