A Role for PML3 in Centrosome Duplication and Genome Stability

Cyclin-dependent kinase control of centrosome duplication

centrosome/cell ratio. Centrosome duplication occurs during the G1/S transition in somatic cells and must be coupled to the events of the nuclear cell cycle 

Centrosome amplification induced by DNA damage occurs during a

9 sept. 2004 is common in tumours and occurs after c-irradiation and ... Centrosome duplication can occur during a prolonged. G2 delay.

Overlapping roles for PLK1 and Aurora A during meiotic centrosome

21 févr. 2021 spermatocytes. The first round of centriole duplication occurs during early prophase I and then

A Short CEP135 Splice Isoform Controls Centriole Duplication

24 sept. 2015 Centriole duplication is coordinated such that a single round of duplication occurs during each cell cycle. Disruption of this synchrony ...
S ( )

Dissociation of Centrosome Replication Events from Cycles of DNA

centrosome replication to occur in somatic cells. Control blots measuring calmodulin mRNA levels during the cell cycle demonstrated that calmodulin mRNAs 

Centriole duplication

23 avr. 2010 in the cell centrosome duplication is cou- ... centriole duplication occurs during S phase and is marked by the formation of procentrioles ...
holland et al cell cycle

A Short CEP135 Splice Isoform Controls Centriole Duplication

24 sept. 2015 Centriole duplication is coordinated such that a single round of duplication occurs during each cell cycle. Disruption of this synchrony ...

Multicilin and activated E2f4 induce multiciliated cell differentiation

Centriole duplication occurs during the passage of the cell cycle by the transient activation of a key initiation factor Plk4

A Role for PML3 in Centrosome Duplication and Genome Stability

4 mars 2005 In normal cells centrosome duplication occurs during late G1 to S phase. Significant evidence supports the monoclonal antibody in nine APL ...
S ( )

Multiple centrosomes arise from tetraploidy checkpoint failure and

Instead amplification of centrosome number occurs in two steps. Centrosome duplication normally occurs during S phase.

  1. centrosome duplication occurs during which phase
  2. centrosome duplication occurs during metaphase
  3. centriole duplication occurs in which phase
  4. centrosome duplication takes place in which phase
  5. duplication of centromere takes place in
  6. centriole duplication occurs during
  7. centrosome replication occurs in
  8. when does centrosome duplication occur during meiosis