Pericentriolar material

Centrosomes in the zebrafish (Danio rerio): a review including the

07-Jun-2012 (also referred to as the “centrosome scaffold”) [2428

JCBArticle - A novel human protein of the maternal centriole is

Although best known for their role in microtubule nucleation recent data suggest that centrosomes also play key roles in.

Evolution of the centrosome from the periphery to the center

called spindle pole body (SPB) is a multi-layered organelle embedded the animal centrosome

Centrosome Function: Sometimes Less Is More

cells of Ginkgo biloba that he called 'attractive spheres' (1). However appropriate the naming was these structures were in fact 'centrosomes'

Perspective - The Nuclear Arsenal of Cilia

22-Apr-2019 of both cilia and centrosomes is closely related to the cell cycle. ... Several other centriolar proteins (CEP131 also known as AZI1
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Pericentriolar material

22-Jun-2020 called centrosome maturation is ... Upon cell division
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Diacylglycerol promotes centrosome polarization in T cells via

16-Jul-2013 larization of the centrosome (also called the microtubule- ... cells the centrosome polarizes toward the immunological synapse.

A novel mitosis-specific Cep215 domain interacts with Cep192 and

However the role of Cep215 (also known as CDK5RAP2) in centrosome maturation remains elusive. Cep215 possesses binding domains for γ-tubulin
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Centrosome abnormalities in ovarian cancer

21-Oct-2004 Key words: centrosome abnormalities; ovarian cancer; tumor grade; ... The centrosome also called microtubule organizing center

Chromosomes and Centrosomes—Team Players in Cell Division

19-Jan-2020 centrosome is also known as the microtubule organizing center (MTOC). 4. Mitosis. The microtubules emerge from the centrosome across the ...

  1. centrosomes also called organizing centers are important