Divergence genetique de quelques populations naturelles de

Polymorphism in Cepaea: A Problem with Too Many Solutions?

hortensis shares nearly all the polymorphisms found in C. nemoralis. Approxi- mately 90% of British hortensis populations are polymorphic for the major shell.

Ecological Interactions between Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea

shells marked with a paint which fades in the sun show that the land snail Cepaea hortensis (Mull.) is more exposed to daylight than is Cepaea nemo-.

Divergence genetique de quelques populations naturelles de

RESUME : L'analyse électrophorétique de huit locus enzymatiques dans 23 colonies mixtes ou monospécifiques de Cepaea nemoralis et Cepaea hortensis fait 

L'Escargot des jardins ou escargot à bord blanc (Cepaea hortensis) :

L'Escargot des haies ou escargot à bord brun (Cepaea nemoralis) : Taille : 12-22 x 18-25 mm. Couleurs et ornementations très variées : jaune rose

Predation by Song Thrushes Turdus ericetorum (Turton) on the

Arianta arbustorum occurs frequently in the same places as Cepaea hortensis in the area. Davies & Snow (1965) discovered that snails were eaten by thrushes at 

Shell banding and colour polymorphism of introduced snail Cepaea

1 avr. 2021 Cepaea hortensis (Müller 1774) is a species of ... Cepaea hortensis (Gastropoda

47 thrush predation on the snail cepaea hortensis

I examined the cages on 29 June 1953 and collected 123 dead thrush-eaten shells of. Cepaea hortensis (Muiller) from their roofs. All dead shells were removed 

Ecological Interactions between Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea

Experiments with shells marked with a paint which fades in the sun show that the land snail Cepaea hortensis (Mull.) is more exposed to daylight than is Cepaea 
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4 nov. 2020 The calculated frequency of the populations of Cepaea nemoralis inside the ecological régions of Languedoc-Roussillon is in agreement with the ...

Distribution Patterns of Morph Frequencies in the Snail Cepaea

In Iceland Cepaea hortensis Muill. reaches its northern limit of distribution occurring in restricted areas along the south coast.

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  4. cepaea hortensis snail
  5. cepaea hortensis taxonomy
  6. cepaea hortensis wikipedia
  7. cepaea hortensis body cavity
  8. cepaea hortensis česky