Divergence genetique de quelques populations naturelles de


4 nov. 2020 The calculated frequency of the populations of Cepaea nemoralis inside the ecological régions of Languedoc-Roussillon is in agreement with the ...

Multiple Mating and Effective Population Size in Cepaea nemoralis

The mating system of Cepaea nemoralis has a profound influence on the effective size of its populations. These snails are hermaphroditic they mate more 

Divergence genetique de quelques populations naturelles de

En effet Cepaea nemoralis et Cepaea hortensis étant des espèces jumelles

Further Examples of Variation of Populations of Cepaea nemoralis

The work of Cain and Sheppard (1954) on populations of the polymorphic land snail Cepaea nemoralis

Variation in a Colony of the Snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.)

Cepaea nemoralis (L.) is a helicid land-snail commonly found in Great Britain in a variety of different habitats ranging from hedgerows to downland turf

Geographic Variation in North American Colonies of Cepaea

COLONIES OF CEPAEA NEMORALIS. PETER F. BRUSSARD. Section of Ecology and Systematics Cornell University

Population Dynamics of the Landsnail Cepaea nemoralis L.: A Six

standing of polymorphism in Cepaea nemoralis L. His own work on experimen populations (Wolda 1963 1972; Wolda & Kreulen 1973) has not been matched by eq.

Seasonal Variation of Microhabitat Distribution of the Polymorphic

itat distribution of the land snail Cepaea nemoralis over a 3-year period in a population at Dansville New York. Stratified random quadrat sampling was 

An Investigation of Leaf Palatability Using the Snail Cepaea

406 Leaf palatability using Cepaea nemoralis particular grazing animals species with suspected 'defence mechanisms' and plants frequent in the habitat from 

Ecological Interactions between Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea

structure land snail

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