CSP report

Where the Champsaur Commission Has Got It Wrong

François Lévêque is Professor of Economics at Mines-ParisTech. He has frequently advised the French Energy Regulatory Commission OECD


26 janv. 2017 http://www.cerna.mines-paristech.fr/glachant. CURRENT POSITIONS. Professor of environmental economics MINES ParisTech

CERNA WORKING PAPER SERIES Invention and Transfer of

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment London School of Economics and Political Science. + MINES ParisTech

Assessing Indicators of Patent Quality: Complex vs. Discrete

perform equally well for complex and discrete technologies in predicting the likelihood of litigation. 1 Cerna Mines ParisTech. 2 Cerna

Economie de l'Environnement et du Climat Matthieu Glachant

Matthieu Glachant CERNA
Corriges Exercices Eco Environnement v

CSP report

CERNA Mines ParisTech. It is an output of the CERNA Research Programme on. Technology Transfer and Climate Change. This work was financially supported by 
CSP report

A Multivariate Analysis of Regulated Funding of the French Cinema

29 nov. 2018 †CERNA MINES ParisTech
Multivariate analysis of broadcasters investment

Economie et politique de l'environnement : une introduction

introduction. Master 2 EDDEE. Cours Economie Politique de l'Environnement. Matthieu Glachant 2020. MINES ParisTech
Introduction a l economie politique de l environnement

The strategies of patent introduction into patent pools

Cerna Center of Industrial Economics. MINES ParisTech. 60

Victor Lavialle - CERNA

17 févr. 2020 CERNA Mines ParisTech