AWS Elemental Conductor File 2.14 API Reference


- EU : GDPR compliance (General Data Protection. Regulation) HDS 2018 (Health Data Hosting. Certification) & ISO 27001 :2013) (International. Organization for 

La sécurité dans le cloud d'AWS

Le Cloud AWS repose sur un modèle de responsabilité partagée. dispose également de la certification HDS (Hébergement de Données de Santé) définie par l' ...
aws ebook la securite dans le Cloud d AWS

AWS Facturation - Guide de l'utilisateur

18 nov. 2021 Optimisez vos dépenses en utilisant AWS Fonctionnalités de Cost Management (gestion des coûts) . ... Chargez des documents de certificat.
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Document de sécurité Kizeo Produit : Kizeo Forms

Kizeo n'est pas certifié mais notre infrastructure a été conçu pour l'être.
FR Document securite des donnees

AWS Elemental Conductor File 2.14 API Reference

5 déc. 2019 name Indicates group type (file Apple HLS

Kizeo security document Product: Kizeo Forms

AWS is certified for HDS (France and Europe) and HIPAA (US). Kizeo is not yet certified but we created our infrastructure according to those certifications 
EN Kizeo security document

COMPLIANCE & SECURITY in the Healthcare Sector

HDS certification brings together several international ISO standards to ensure the with AWS of personal health data collected or produced by editors
Euris Health Cloud AWS Security and Compliance in the Healthcare Sector


AWS approach to compliance. AWS HITRUST certification. Shared responsibility models. Tools/resources and how to use them. Case studies.
How to adopt HITRUST CSF on AWS HLC

Consolidated release notes 2.14 and later

implementation has completed the official certification process with Nielsen. AWS Elemental Live has deprecated and removed the Adobe HDS output group.
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Navigating HCLS Regulatory and Compliance Requirements on AWS

13 avr. 2022 your regulatory certification requirements you can allow AWS to perform ... Hébergeur de Données de Santé (HDS) – Introduced by the French ...
Navigating HCLS Regulatory and Compliance Requirements on AWS