Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module

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Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module

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214943 Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2  module Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering

Control of a robotic arm using an

Omega2+ module


Author: Daniel Vázquez Navarro

Director: Manuel Moreno Eguilaz

Term: 2017/2018 ± Autumn semester

Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering

Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 1


SUMMARY ___________________________________________________ 1

1. ANNEX A: OMEGA BOARDS ________________________________ 2

1.1. Expansion Dock ............................................................................................. 2

1.2. Power Dock .................................................................................................... 3

1.3. Mini Dock ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4. Arduino Dock 2 ............................................................................................... 4

1.5. Breadboard Dock ........................................................................................... 5

1.6. Expansions ..................................................................................................... 6

2. ANNEX B: PYTHON CODE __________________________________ 8

2.1. ........................................................................................................... 8

2.2. .............................................................................................. 10

2.3. ........................................................................................................ 13

2.4. .............................................................................................. 21

2.5. ................................................................................................. 26

2.6. ........................................................................................... 28

3. ANNEX C: API CODE ______________________________________ 31

3.1. index.html ..................................................................................................... 31

3.2. css/ mystyle.css ............................................................................................ 35

3.3. css/ jquery-ui.css .......................................................................................... 37

3.4. css/ jquery-ui-slider-pips.css ........................................................................ 59

3.5. css/ roundslider.min.css ............................................................................... 65

3.6. js/ roundslider.min.js ..................................................................................... 67

3.7. js/ jquery-ui-slider-pips.js .............................................................................. 76

Pàg. 2 ANNEX

1. ANNEX A: Omega Boards

1.1. Expansion Dock

The Expansion dock is a powerful piece of hardware that simplifies the usage of your Omega. It allows you to power the Omega and communicate with it via serial through the Micro-USB port, and makes it incredibly easy to use the GPIOs and Onion Expansions. The Expansion Dock is powered by the Micro-USB port that supplies 5V to the Dock. This voltage is stepped down to the required 3.3V required to power the Omega, and also provides 5V to the Expansions and USB Host port. you can control through the command-line interface (will be explained below).

Figure 1 - View of the Expansion Dock

GPIOs, and allows you to connect Onion Expansions directly. The Expansion Header is labelled to show you what GPIO is connected to each section. multiplexing options: Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 3

Figure 2 - Expansion dock pinout diagram

By default, the Serial, SPI, and I2C pins implement these communication protocols and cannot be used as GPIOs. Similarly, the I2S and PWM pins are set to GPIO mode by default. storage device to extend the storage space of your Omega. The USB port supports USB 2.0, and is a type A connector. The Power switch will cut power to the Omega, but not the serial chip. This means your computer will still detect a USB serial device, but will not be able to communicate with the


And finally, the

GPIO. Pressing this button do one of two things: reboot (momentarily pressing), or factory restore (Pressing and holding the reset button for 10 seconds).

1.2. Power Dock

This Dock allows you to recharge and monitor battery levels, while providing a header to connect Onion Expansions. It works like the Expansion Dock with an extra option to power it by a 3.7V LiPo Battery with a standard 2-pin JST-PH connector and indicator

LEDs for the battery level

Pàg. 4 ANNEX

Figure 3 - View of the Power Dock

1.3. Mini Dock

The Mini Dock functions very similarly to the Expansion Dock. It supplies your Omega with power and allows you to communicate serially via a Micro-USB port. It also has a USB type A connector for you to use. All of this with a fraction of the size of an Expansion Dock.

Figure 4 - View of the Mini Dock

1.4. Arduino Dock 2

The Arduino Dock 2 is the supercharged version of an Arduino Uno R3 board. These two boards share the same microcontroller, the ATmel ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU), and the Arduino Uno R3 with the Arduino Dock and the Omega. The Arduino Dock includes an In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) header to break out the programmer. Additionally, there is a USB-host port that is connected to the Omega which can be used for any sort of USB type application. Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 5

Figure 5 - View of the Arduino Dock 2

1.5. Breadboard Dock

The Breadboard Dock is the perfect solution for building breadboard circuits with the Omega. This Dock can be plugged into a breadboard, and the pins of the dock are mapped 1-to-1 as on the Omega. It provides power to the Omega via a Micro-USB port that takes in 5V. This voltage is stepped down to the 3.3V required to power the


with your own circuits and custom embedded applications.

Figure 6 - View of the Breadboard Dock

Figure 7 - Breadboard Dock pluged in a breadboard

Pàg. 6 ANNEX

1.6. Expansions

In addition to the Docks view above, there are also some expansions for the Omega2 that fit into the Expansion Dock, Power Dock, Mini Dock and Arduino Dock. Relay Expansion: allows you to control two other independent, external circuits using the Omega. These circuits are safely isolated from the Omega and can be either lower or higher voltage

Figure 8 - View of the Relay Expansion

PWM Expansion: allows you to generate up to 16 different Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals to control anything from Servo Motors (servos), DC Motor speed, LED brightness, etc.

Figure 9 - View of the PWM Expansion

monochrome (black and white) OLED display for your Omega. With a resolution of

128×64, it is very handy for displaying text, drawing images, and even animations.

Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 7

Figure 10 - View of the OLED Expansion

Figure 11 - OLED Expansion plugged in a Expansion Dock Ethernet Expansion: adds an Ethernet port to the Omega. With this expansion you can add reliable, wired network access to your Omega, without affecting its wireless capabilities.

Figure 12 - View of the Ethernet Expansion

GPS Expansion: is a USB-based expansion that allows your Omega to pinpoint its chip sends the GPS data to the Omega via the USB connection It comes with an on- board GPS antenna as well as a built-in u.FL connector to attach your own antenna.

It features:

1.8m accuracy

66 search channels

22 tracking channels

-165 dBM sensitivity

Pàg. 8 ANNEX

up to 10Hz update rate

Figure 13 - View of the GPS Expansion

2. ANNEX B: Python code

Figure 14 Files structure


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3. ------------------------------------------------------

4. Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 9 Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering

Control of a robotic arm using an

Omega2+ module


Author: Daniel Vázquez Navarro

Director: Manuel Moreno Eguilaz

Term: 2017/2018 ± Autumn semester

Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering

Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 1


SUMMARY ___________________________________________________ 1

1. ANNEX A: OMEGA BOARDS ________________________________ 2

1.1. Expansion Dock ............................................................................................. 2

1.2. Power Dock .................................................................................................... 3

1.3. Mini Dock ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4. Arduino Dock 2 ............................................................................................... 4

1.5. Breadboard Dock ........................................................................................... 5

1.6. Expansions ..................................................................................................... 6

2. ANNEX B: PYTHON CODE __________________________________ 8

2.1. ........................................................................................................... 8

2.2. .............................................................................................. 10

2.3. ........................................................................................................ 13

2.4. .............................................................................................. 21

2.5. ................................................................................................. 26

2.6. ........................................................................................... 28

3. ANNEX C: API CODE ______________________________________ 31

3.1. index.html ..................................................................................................... 31

3.2. css/ mystyle.css ............................................................................................ 35

3.3. css/ jquery-ui.css .......................................................................................... 37

3.4. css/ jquery-ui-slider-pips.css ........................................................................ 59

3.5. css/ roundslider.min.css ............................................................................... 65

3.6. js/ roundslider.min.js ..................................................................................... 67

3.7. js/ jquery-ui-slider-pips.js .............................................................................. 76

Pàg. 2 ANNEX

1. ANNEX A: Omega Boards

1.1. Expansion Dock

The Expansion dock is a powerful piece of hardware that simplifies the usage of your Omega. It allows you to power the Omega and communicate with it via serial through the Micro-USB port, and makes it incredibly easy to use the GPIOs and Onion Expansions. The Expansion Dock is powered by the Micro-USB port that supplies 5V to the Dock. This voltage is stepped down to the required 3.3V required to power the Omega, and also provides 5V to the Expansions and USB Host port. you can control through the command-line interface (will be explained below).

Figure 1 - View of the Expansion Dock

GPIOs, and allows you to connect Onion Expansions directly. The Expansion Header is labelled to show you what GPIO is connected to each section. multiplexing options: Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 3

Figure 2 - Expansion dock pinout diagram

By default, the Serial, SPI, and I2C pins implement these communication protocols and cannot be used as GPIOs. Similarly, the I2S and PWM pins are set to GPIO mode by default. storage device to extend the storage space of your Omega. The USB port supports USB 2.0, and is a type A connector. The Power switch will cut power to the Omega, but not the serial chip. This means your computer will still detect a USB serial device, but will not be able to communicate with the


And finally, the

GPIO. Pressing this button do one of two things: reboot (momentarily pressing), or factory restore (Pressing and holding the reset button for 10 seconds).

1.2. Power Dock

This Dock allows you to recharge and monitor battery levels, while providing a header to connect Onion Expansions. It works like the Expansion Dock with an extra option to power it by a 3.7V LiPo Battery with a standard 2-pin JST-PH connector and indicator

LEDs for the battery level

Pàg. 4 ANNEX

Figure 3 - View of the Power Dock

1.3. Mini Dock

The Mini Dock functions very similarly to the Expansion Dock. It supplies your Omega with power and allows you to communicate serially via a Micro-USB port. It also has a USB type A connector for you to use. All of this with a fraction of the size of an Expansion Dock.

Figure 4 - View of the Mini Dock

1.4. Arduino Dock 2

The Arduino Dock 2 is the supercharged version of an Arduino Uno R3 board. These two boards share the same microcontroller, the ATmel ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU), and the Arduino Uno R3 with the Arduino Dock and the Omega. The Arduino Dock includes an In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) header to break out the programmer. Additionally, there is a USB-host port that is connected to the Omega which can be used for any sort of USB type application. Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 5

Figure 5 - View of the Arduino Dock 2

1.5. Breadboard Dock

The Breadboard Dock is the perfect solution for building breadboard circuits with the Omega. This Dock can be plugged into a breadboard, and the pins of the dock are mapped 1-to-1 as on the Omega. It provides power to the Omega via a Micro-USB port that takes in 5V. This voltage is stepped down to the 3.3V required to power the


with your own circuits and custom embedded applications.

Figure 6 - View of the Breadboard Dock

Figure 7 - Breadboard Dock pluged in a breadboard

Pàg. 6 ANNEX

1.6. Expansions

In addition to the Docks view above, there are also some expansions for the Omega2 that fit into the Expansion Dock, Power Dock, Mini Dock and Arduino Dock. Relay Expansion: allows you to control two other independent, external circuits using the Omega. These circuits are safely isolated from the Omega and can be either lower or higher voltage

Figure 8 - View of the Relay Expansion

PWM Expansion: allows you to generate up to 16 different Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals to control anything from Servo Motors (servos), DC Motor speed, LED brightness, etc.

Figure 9 - View of the PWM Expansion

monochrome (black and white) OLED display for your Omega. With a resolution of

128×64, it is very handy for displaying text, drawing images, and even animations.

Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 7

Figure 10 - View of the OLED Expansion

Figure 11 - OLED Expansion plugged in a Expansion Dock Ethernet Expansion: adds an Ethernet port to the Omega. With this expansion you can add reliable, wired network access to your Omega, without affecting its wireless capabilities.

Figure 12 - View of the Ethernet Expansion

GPS Expansion: is a USB-based expansion that allows your Omega to pinpoint its chip sends the GPS data to the Omega via the USB connection It comes with an on- board GPS antenna as well as a built-in u.FL connector to attach your own antenna.

It features:

1.8m accuracy

66 search channels

22 tracking channels

-165 dBM sensitivity

Pàg. 8 ANNEX

up to 10Hz update rate

Figure 13 - View of the GPS Expansion

2. ANNEX B: Python code

Figure 14 Files structure


1. """

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3. ------------------------------------------------------

4. Control of a robotic arm using an Omega2+ module Page 9