Aetfat conference

20th Conference of AETFAT (Association for the Taxonomic Study of

13-Jan-2014 20th Conference of AETFAT. (Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa). “BIODIVERSITY OF AFRICAN PLANTS ...
H Russel Botman AETFAT

Volume Information

31-Dec-1981 AETFAT Congress 190 186; The ends and outs of character ... Appointments

A Photographic Register of Type Specimens

When I was asked to speak at a meeting of AETFAT (Association pour l'Etude. Taxonomique de la Flore d'Afrique Tropicale) in Geneva in 1974 on possible use 

The vegetation of Africa. A descriptive memoir to accompany the

ings of the Toulouse Conference An earlier AETFAT Vegetation Map of Africa South ... fifth plenary meeting of AETFAT held in Genoa and.
vegetationOfAfrica OCRr

Generic Delimitation of Hyacinthaceae with Special Emphasis on

Plant systematics and phytogeography for the understanding of African biodiversity. Proceedings of the XVlth AETFAT Congress held in 2000 at the National 

The Centro de Botânica of the IICT (Lisboa) and the Co-operation

Proceedings of the XVIth AETFAT Conference held in 2000 at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium. Subject to copyright. All rights reserved.

Generic Relationships and Character Evolution in Cyperus s.l.

Proceedings of the XVIth AETFAT Congress held in 2000 at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium. Subject to copyright. All rights reserved. ? 2002 National 


at the XVIIth congress of the Association for the. Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa. (AETFAT) in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Numerical Analysis of the 'Flora of West Tropical Africa': I

J. Leonard at the 5th A.E.T.F.A.T. Conference (1963) estimated 1oooo-12

La systématique des plantes et la phytogéographie pour une

The XVIIth AETFAT conference Lorsque I'AETFAT a 6t6 cr6e la plupart de l'Afrique tropicale 6tait encore sous tutelle ... Pl. 71 XVIth AETFAT Congress.