Collective Numeral Constructions in Dutch: Remarkable Plurals

Collective Nouns in Journalistic Modern Standard Arabic

As opposed to the first group the collective nouns belonging to this catego- ry are rarely pluralized or followed by the of + plural noun structure. This group 

Are there any collective nouns among lexical plurals in English?

30 avr. 2021 noun]] and [+ plural verb only]”. While no collective noun carries all three features

Des faux noms collectifs ?

and mobilier (furniture) are usually classified as collective nouns. In this paper. I suggest that
shsconf cmlf

problèmes de traduction du groupe nominal collectif en français et

ED French students University of Education

The Structure of the Chinese Language and Ontological Insights: A

In doing this I suggest and argue for a mereological collective- noun hypothesis about the denotational semantics of Chinese nouns. My discussion begins with a 

Collective Nouns

A group named by a collective noun is treated as a single unit; therefore collective nouns


création collective avec Phia Ménard/ ENSATT. Billy est parti de Mathilde Segonds février 2020 Collectif Noun/ CEAAC Strasbourg.
ENSATT PDF CV Camille Kuntz

Are superordinates such as furniture and belongings collective nouns?

30 avr. 2021 between furniture nouns and count collective nouns ... From this

The Collective Noun

Because people behave as both herd animals and solitary creatures collective nouns can be either singular or plural

Collective Numeral Constructions in Dutch: Remarkable Plurals

Keywords: DP silent noun