The Collectors Cut: Why Pierre-Jean Mariette Tore up His Drawings

Mariette the Collector

Mariette the Collector. Pierre Rosenberg in collaboration with Laure Barthélemy-. Labeeuw

Mariette's Collection of Etchings by Filippo di Liagno

Hunter's two volumes of prints by Filippo Napoletano. Mariette 's Recudí is the taller of the two volumes. (Glasgow University Library Special Collections. (H 

Reni Landscape Drawings in Mariette's Collection

13 ROLI: 'I Disegni di Donato Creti agli Uffizi' Bollettino d'Arte

Pierre-Jean Mariette enlightened art connoisseur and scholar of art

Rosenberg and Laure Barthélemy-Labeeuw Les dessins de la collection Mariette. École française
vermeulen review

Claude Simpol's "Divertissemens" for Jean Mariette

2006 pp. 224-26. 2. Les Pastorales is a set of sixteen prints on pastoral subjects

The Collector's Cut: Why Pierre-Jean Mariette Tore up His Drawings

the collecting and scholarship of the eighteenth century's most famous connoisseur Pierre-Jean. Maniette (1694-1774). Yet Mariette frequently.

Challenging the myth of Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694-1774)

Jun 18 2018 Such an inclusion is essential as Mariette's scholarship was primarily rooted in the observation and assessment of art works in collections.
vermeulen review

Eighteenth Century French Drawings in Paris

Though Mariette's collection originally others by artists represented in his collection. ... he collected their drawings were omitted from.

3 From Europe to Persia and Back Again : Border-Crossing Prints

Mariette art collecting and connoisseurship containing a collection of elegantly framed Persianate calligraphies


Jun 27 2019 de la collection Mariette. Pierre Jean Mariette (1694-1774) a réuni l'une des collections les plus fascinantes de tout le XVIIIe siècle