Computer mediated communication the invisible college and

Approche systémique de la communication :

pragmatique de la communication dans le cadre d'une formation de spécialisation : « Approche Pour les membres du Collège Invisible
communication histoire gp systemique

Diaporama 1 Intro aux théories des SIC.pptx

l'Information et de la Communication-1. M1 Meef 2nd degré La théorie de la communication est donc ... Réseau informel (d'où « Collège invisible »).
Cours n° Introduction aux théories des SIC

Mass Communication Research and the Invisible College Revisited

In journalism and mass communication research the idea of “other researchers” as ”the invisible college” has less often been empirically examined.

Computer mediated communication the invisible college and

Journal of Computing in Higher Education. Fall 1997 Vol. 9(1)

Social Structure in a Group of Scientists: A Test of the "Invisible

less productivity into a large network of influence and communication. Similarities between Since the "invisible college" hypothesis.

From Discovery to Invention

invisible college of invention through the private and informal interactions Mots-clés : collège invisible communication scientifique

Communication and the Reward System of Science: A Study of a

Invisible College. Mullins found that informal communication is based on the culture of science rather than on status characteristics as in the Invisible 

Publier et valoriser ses publications

18 avr. 2019 stratégie de communication ... À l'échelle du « collège invisible ». Communications ... Elément clef de la communication scientifique.
Publication scientifique avril

Médias et société - La perspective de la communication sociale

28 juil. 2016 fait La nouvelle communication a bénéficié de la fortune de deux expressions : « École de Palo Alto » et « Collège invisible ».

Modeling the Invisible College

Scholars are fascinated with the invisible college and its relationship to communication knowledge growth