Gondwanide continental collision and the origin of Patagonia - RJ

Sedimentary record of the northward flight of India and its collision

Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya. Les phases initiales de la collision continentale et de I'obduction se sont.

Continental collision crustal thinning and nappe forming during the

Continental collision crustal thinning and nappe forming during the pre-Miocene R. (1993) Les formations oligo-miocenes supra-Malaguides. (Cordil-.

Continental margin response to multiple arc-continent collisions

The first heralds the arrival of the first intra- oceanic arc to the southernmost northern Andes in late Campanian times younging-northward as the collision 

Strain partitioning in the transition area between oblique subduction

subduction and continental collision Hikurangi margin

Channel flow ductile extrusion and exhumation in continental

lower to mid-crust in continental collision zones' flow originated in the continental tectonics litera- ... en rubans dans les mylonites. Bulletin de la.
Godin etal ChannelFlow GSLSp


Dec 10 1982 MODELS OF CONTINENTAL. COLLISION. J.P.. Vilotte and M. Daigni•res. Centre G•ologique et G•ophysique

Exhumation during a continental collision inferred from the

Exhumation during a continental collision inferred from the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Alpujarride Complex in the central Betics (Alboran Domain 

Gondwanide continental collision and the origin of Patagonia

LES-119. Prietogranodiorite 273. 6.19 33.58. 0.1113 0.512232 0.512033. −5.0 1448 161 168 of continental collision in the formation of the.

Gondwanide continental collision and the origin of Patagonia - RJ

continental collision in the formation of the Gondwana fold belts of South America Africa LES-118. 250 ± 2. LES-119. 273 ± 2. LES-122. 246 ± 2. LES-125.
Pankhurst EARTH Text

Etude du magmatisme aux zones de subduction et de l'érosion

l'érosion continentale par les séries de l'Uranium : contraintes sur les processus et systematics across an active island arc-continent collision zone:.