Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution

Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution

Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution Bdelloidea of the Phylum Rotifera
Iakovenko Antarctic bdelloid rotifers AAM

Diatoms define a novel freshwater biogeography of the Antarctic

11 déc. 2020 the evolution of highly endemic diatom floras. ... This suggests that evolution in iso- ... Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism ...

1 Geochemical and biotic factors influencing the diversity and

likely endemic species. Bdelloid rotifers were generally the most abundant followed by nematodes diversity of coastal ice-free ecosystems in Antarctica.

Rotifers (Rotifera) from the inland waters and terrestrial habitats of

cosmopolitan species and Antarctic endemics the set of species and forms seems to be Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity

A living bdelloid rotifer from 24000-year-old Arctic permafrost

(2015). Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution. Hydrobiologia 761

Antarctic ecosystems in transition â•fi life between stresses and

22 déc. 2020 7Department of Evolution Ecology and Behavior

Multiple lateâ•'Pleistocene colonisation events of the Antarctic

27 févr. 2020 Taxon: Antarctic pearlwort Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae). ... Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: Diversity endemism and evolution.

Actinobacteria from Antarctica as a source for anticancer discovery

Bacterial community associated with Deschampsia antarctica rhizosphere. Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution.
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A hole in the nematosphere: tardigrades and rotifers dominate

Antarctic bdelloid rotifers: diversity endemism and evolution. Hydrobiologia 761
Zawierucha J Zool submitted manuscript

Genome‐wide SNP data reveal improved evidence for

1 Research School of Biology Division of Ecology and Evolution