Decolonising the anthropology curriculum Our aim overall is to

Decolonising the anthropology curriculum Our aim overall is to

Decolonising the anthropology curriculum decolonisation in itself. ... gives a flavour of how certain courses embody a 'decolonising' approach.
decolonizing the curriculum

Decolonizing Anthropology

practical attempts at decolonizing anthropology at Cambridge. We begin with a brief account of recent efforts to decolonize the curriculum in our department 

Anthropology Should Never Be Fully Decolonized

Decolonizing anthropology since when? Contrary to field research however

What is anthropology that decolonising scholarship should be

Decolonising scholarship in South African anthropology has met with an ingrained scepticism about ethnographic valorisations of forms of life that claim to 

The Continuous Decoloni- zation of Anthropology

not exist without imperialism. It is this conundrum that keeps us spinning around in the vicious circle of decolonizing anthropology. As an anthropologist I 

“On decolonising Anthropological Museums : Curators need to Take

“On decolonising. Anthropological Museums : Curators need to Take. 'indigenous' forms of Knowledge More seriously”. A conversation with Anne-Christine 

Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice

development of anthropology archaeology

Decolonising Anthropology?

DECOLONISING ANTHROPOLOGY? ENGLISH-SPEAKING ANTHROPOLOGISTS came under severe attack in the 1960s for the relation of their discipline to colonialism.

Pedagogical Experiments in an Anthropology for Liberation

18 déc. 2017 Keywords: educational commoning; decolonising anthropology; pedagogy; ... 'Anthropology for Liberation' in the Cultural Anthropology ...

Decolonising cosmopolitanism: An anthropological reading of

12 avr. 1984 Article. Decolonising cosmopolitanism: An anthropological reading of Immanuel Kant and. Kwame Nkrumah on the world as one. Paula Uimonen.

  1. decolonise anthropology