MSc Wine & Gastronomy

Guide for Graduate Students in Anthropology

and social context food studies
GradGuide Aug

de St. Maurice-----5 pgCV2.2017 (research)

Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology University of Pittsburgh

Guide for Graduate Students in Anthropology

13 juil. 2022 and social context food studies
GradGuide July

Anthropology - Master of Arts

in. Anthropology our program offers graduate minors in anthropology
anthropology master arts text

Teresa Marie Mares

Ph.D. in Anthropology: 8/2010. Dissertation Title: We Are Made of Our Food: Latino/a Immigration and the Practices and Politics of. Eating. Graduate 
Teresa Mares CV

Master of Science (MSc) in International Food and Beverage

Sustainability and the Food and. Beverage Industry. - Anthropology of Food -. Social and Cultural. Dimensions. - Gastronomic Tourism. - History of Food and.

MSc Wine & Gastronomy

45 minutes away from Paris this vanguard Master of Science programme offers an insider look at the marketing and management dilemmas faced by food
MSc Wine Gastro dec


31 mai 2022 ... AND FOOD STUDIES. ePRÉSENTATION. Le master THFS vise à former en langue anglaise à Toulouse

Master's module structure

THEME FOOD. M1 The Food-Health-Environment Nexus. M2 Food Systems and their Transformations. M3 Socially Just and Sustainable Food Systems. PHASE 2 MODULES.
Module structures

Curriculum Vitae Federico De Musso - Universiteit Leiden

Masters of Arts Anthropology of Food
cv de musso