Making the Local: Anthropology & the Suburban Citizen

Anthropology in the Body Shop: Lords of the Garden Cannibalism

London: Routledge. Friedberg Anne. 1993 Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Horse versus machine: battles in the betting shop

shop customers and staff in London have responded to the introduction of gambling Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 18 266-284.

I Shop Therefore I Am

The Shopping Experience. Pasi Falk and Colin Camp- bell eds. London: Sage

The Anthropology of Industrial Work

During the last 50 years the study of the shop floor has The first chapter of industrial anthropology was inspired by its arch-priest. -Elton Mayo.

Coffee Shops: Exploring Urban Sociability and Social Class in the

Sociology/Anthropology Senior Thesis. Professor Farha Ghannam. May 2015 Chapter 2: From the Coffeehouse to the Coffee Shop: A Brief History .
Pozos Brewer thesis

Coffee Shops: Exploring Urban Sociability and Social Class in the

Sociology/Anthropology Senior Thesis. Professor Farha Ghannam. May 2015 Chapter 2: From the Coffeehouse to the Coffee Shop: A Brief History .
Pozos Brewer thesis ?sequence=

Loss and Material Culture in South London

vious research on shopping (Miller 1998; 2001) which demonstrated how the accu- London. These earlier anthropological traditions in the study of death ...

The Anthropology of Organisations

Approach from Anthropology Westport

Home-made ethnography: Revisiting the "Xhosa in Town" trilogy

F.Nielsen A history of anthropology (London

Making the Local: Anthropology & the Suburban Citizen

4 Apr 2015 Department of Anthropology University College London ... shop being on a road aligned to a city wide network

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