Assessing genetic diversity of some Anthurium andraeanum Hort

Anthurium cultivars using inter simple sequence repeat. (ISSR) markers. The ten ISSR primers generated DNA quality was evaluated on a 0.8% agarose gel.

Détection de Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. dieffenbachiae (Xpd) sur

3 Sept 2019 sur Anthurium spp. par nested-PCR ... dieffenbachiae pathogènes de l'Anthurium. ... gel les amplifiâts à l'issue de la PCR primaire ...

Growth promotion and disease resistance induced in Anthurium

Background: Anthurium andraeanum an important ornamental flower

Lutte contre la bactériose de l'anthurium Xanthomonas axonopodis

Guide pratique de prophylaxie à l'usage des producteurs d'anthuriums organique le gel n'est donc pas efficace si les mains sont couvertes de terre.
Guide producteurs VFinalebis

A molecular analysis of flower colour development in an ornamental

Molecular analysis of the genetic model for anthurium spathe colour was performed with 2.8.3 Quantifying plasmid DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis.
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Obtaining Transgenic Anthurium through Agrobacterium-mediated

of a transformation protocol for etiolated anthurium internodes by and (B) gel of a PCR-amplified 546 bp attacin gene fragment

True nectar or stigmatic secretion? Structural evidence elucidates an

18 Jan 2021 of floral nectaries in Anthurium is quite controversial. ... Thin-layer chromatography was carried out in 10 x 10 cm TLC plates (Silica gel.

Specific Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae

3 Dec 2004 Anthurium (Anthurium andreanum) Tissues by Nested PCR† ... Separation of DNA fragments and gel blotting were performed as described.


Dendograma de 70 híbridos de híbridos de anturio (Anthurium andreanum) construido por el método de Ward a partir de 16 variables. 23. Figura 2. Gel de 
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Assessing genetic diversity of some Anthurium andraeanum Hort

genetic variations among 24 cut-flower Anthurium andraeanum Hort. cultivars. evaluated on a 1.0% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide.

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