Cultural Requirements of Anthuriums

Cultural Requirements of Anthuriums

Anthurium plants are durable relatively easy to grow and will survive as an indoor foliage plant for a remarkable period of time.

cultivation manual Anthurium pot plants_EN

Plant material for propagating Anthuriums can be supplied in two ways: via tissue culture or via cuttings. The plants will in both cases
anthurium cultivation manual en


breeding and caring for anthurium plants; Dr. Michael Tanabe John Kunisaki and Joanne. Imamura-Lichty for the anthurium plants used in this study; 

Anthurium Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial

Most cut-flower Anthurium cultivars are selections of. Anthurium andraeanum an epiphytic-growing plant native to Columbia and Ecuador. The large red flowers 

cultivation manual Anthurium pot plants_EN

Plant material for propagating Anthuriums can be supplied in two ways: via tissue culture or via cuttings. The plants will in both cases
teelthandleiding anthurium en rev

Using Lucid Keys to discover New Species of Araceae

Corrections made. Added many more species/ images 521000 images of plants (living and specimens) ... Operating Lucid Key to Anthurium and.

Enhancement of Suckering Behaviour of Anthurium andreanum L


Assessing genetic diversity of some Anthurium andraeanum Hort

polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.26 the average effective multiplex ratio (EMR) was 10.54

Anthurium catalogue

pot plant & cut flower. 2016 / 2017. Page 2. Page 3. As world leader in breeding and propagation of Anthurium we are known for our innovative growing solutions 
Anthurium LORES

Exploring the developing barriers in expanding markets among

Ltd as the problem owner wants to find out a marketing strategy to increase the sales rate of Anthurium cut flower in Beijing among remaining consumer groups ( 

  1. anthurium plant pictures
  2. anthurium plant images
  3. anthurium plant photos