
Evaluation of University of Hawaii anthurium accessions 1986-2001

and potting medium or after replanting in an appropri ate size pot with wood shavings. Fertilizer was applied by topdressing at 3-month intervals 

Anthurium Decline: Options for Controlling Burrowing Nematodes

26-Jun-2004 uncommon in Hawaii's anthurium production. An- ... at planting result in less damage to the plant. ... grown in a soil-less potting mixture.

Wood Shavings as a Medium for Anthuriums

in Agriculture at the University of Hawaii. accepted as a standard medium for anthurium growing. ... Each pot contained one plant four pots con- ·.

Cultural Requirements of Anthuriums

Even though they are associated with Hawaii's tropical splendor where the warm drizzly weather provides ideal growing conditions for the anthuriums.


Commercial cut flower anthuriums in Hawaii are commonly grown in volcanic black Volcanic black cinder as a medium for growing anthuriums.
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ANTHURIUM CULTURE fN HAWAl'l Edited by Tadashi Higaki

Research extension series / Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Growing anthuriums was for many years

Pest Management Strategies for Anthuriums

17-Jun-2004 Hawaii Anthurium Industry Association (HAIA) a mem ber association of the Hawaii ... Drenching potted anthuriums at 120oF (49oC) for 15.

2013-MG Newsletter Vol 5 Issue 2

05-Aug-2013 The pots and potting soil will be supplied for you and can be picked up at ... Alamandas (golden trumpet) anthurium
MauiGardening summer