Role of Growing Medium in Yield and Quality of Anthurium: A Review

Cultural Requirements of Anthuriums

Anthurium plants are durable relatively easy to grow and will survive as an indoor Anthuriums need a well-aerated

Anthurium bakerii (Ariods10)

The Anthurium bakerii is a beautiful Anthurium plant which Araflora sells various types of soil mixtures

Anthurium gracile (Ariods11)

Water often but in small quantities to make sure the potting mix stays moist but not soaking wet. Like most Anthuriums Anthurium gracile likes humidity

Burrowing nematode on anthurium: recognizing symptoms

the presence of burrowing nematodes in anthurium. It is to prevent introduction of the nematodes at planting. The ... potting mix.

Anthurium Decline: Options for Controlling Burrowing Nematodes

26 juin 2004 The medium—cinder rocks


All anthuriums from grower Karma Plants are is needed in the potting soil. All anthuriums ... soil mixes nutrients and potting weeks for all the crops
Javado Magazine Engels

Role of Growing Medium in Yield and Quality of Anthurium: A Review

quality might come from a poor potting mixture that they are using. One of the most important components of anthurium cultivation.
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Anthurium obtusum (Ariods13)

regularly but in small quantities so that the potting mix stays moist rather than soaking wet. Anthurium obtusum is an exotic plant that like most 

Nutrient solution effects on the development and yield of Anthurium

Two plants per replication were removed at five growth stages: during vegetative growth. (5 months after planting) at first flower emergence (7 months after 

  1. anthurium plant potting mix