Anti-Aging Medicine: The Hype and the Reality—Part I

A Feminist Perspective on Anti-Aging Medicine

on Anti-Aging Medicine. By Martha B. Holstein. Each time I get on the bus and someone far younger than I offers me a seat I feel uneasy

Biogerontology "Anti-Aging Medicine

7th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

Nov 1 2007 Although anti-aging medicine due to food factors is the most obvious field to study in Japan

An Ethical Assessment of Anti-Aging Medicine

four ethical arguments in favor of anti-aging medicine: 1) beneficence: duties to maintain health and prevent disease and death; 2) efficiency: slowing down 

8th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

Sep 29 2008 ence for Anti-Aging Medicine: From Basic Research to. Clinical Medicine'


STEM CELL THERAPY FOR PREVENTING AGING PROCESS: Is it reliable? Wimpie Pangkahila. Post Graduate Program in Anti-Aging Medicine. Department of Andrology and 
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Growth hormone in anti-aging medicine: a critical review

In anti-aging medicine a different situation arises with regard to GH treatment in organic diseases of the pituitary gland. This refers to persons with an age- 

Can an Apheresis Therapy become an Effective Method for Anti

Sep 1 2010 Composition of cryogel. Apheresis Therapy for Anti-Aging Medicine. Page 4. therapeutic artificial organ technologies alone; ...

Community Medicine and Anti-Aging: Effects of Combining a Long

Oct 25 2010 The checkup indicators were anthropometry

Anti-Aging Medicine: The Hype and the Reality—Part I

an old concept known as anti-aging medicine (1–10). The topic of anti-aging medicine has become so popular that in the view of one gerontologist

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