Anti-Aging Medicine and Research: A Realm of Conflict and

Biogerontology "Anti-Aging Medicine

Anti-Aging Medicine LiteratureWatch

Is there an antiaging medicine? J Gerontol A Biol Sci. Med Sci 2002 Sept;57(9):B333–B338. Cohen I Castedo M

Official Journal of the International Union of Aesthetic Medicine – UIME

Polish Society of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine of Polish Medical Society rate of adverse effects it would be suggested to avoid.
aesthetic medic

Anti-Aging Medicine and Research: A Realm of Conflict and

It was then reprinted in the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences (5) and arrangements were also made to have it published (in translation) in Chinese 

Anti-aging effects of high molecular weight proteoglycan from

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE 29: 761-768 2012. Abstract. of SNCE contributes to the anti-aging effect on skin

MECHANISMS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY: Aging and anti-aging: a

European Journal of Endocrinology. 176:6. R287. Review. E Diamanti-Kandarakis and others. Aging and anti-aging endocrinology factors have 

Can an Apheresis Therapy become an Effective Method for Anti

1 sept. 2010 (c) Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. Review Article ... clinical effects of DFPP it is essential to impose at least 5 sessions.


8 mars 2019 health in the section of Integrative medicine and holds the position of Editor in Chief of the Internet Journal of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic.
A M book FULL+fullJournal

Anti-aging medicine

Anti-Aging medicine aims to maintain or achieve this The prestigious scientific journal Biogerontology

Community Medicine and Anti-Aging: Effects of Combining a Long

25 oct. 2010 Further our study had a low drop-out rate. Given that all of our subjects were healthy from study initiation