Northern Cancer Alliance FIT (faecal immunochemical test) in

Cancer of the rectum: investigations diagnosis and treatment

What are the symptoms of rectal cancer? NHS guidelines state that “everyone diagnosed with colorectal cancer should be under the care of a ...

Anal cancer

The most common symptoms of anal cancer include: bleeding from the anus pain discomfort and itching around the anus small lumps around the anus which may 
Analcancer(MCS Pages)


Colon cancer and rectal cancer (also called colorectal cancer) are common in the UK. The most common bowel cancer symptoms to first develop are:.
v Colon Cancer and Rectal Cancer Patient Information Leaflet FINAL

Rectal cancer Rectal cancer. Introduction. This leaflet is for patients diagnosed with a cancer in the rectum. (back passage).
Rectal cancer GHPI

Bowel cancer screening: The facts

taking part in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening. Programme. symptoms) when treatment is more likely to ... Bowel cancer is also known as colon
bowel cancer the facts

Radiotherapy for rectal cancer

1 déc. 2020 To help control your symptoms in advanced cancer (palliative radiotherapy). Your doctor will explain in detail

LCA Colorectal Cancer Clinical Guidelines

8.4 Radiotherapy to locally recurrent rectal cancer . Andrew Gaya – Consultant Clinical Oncologist Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
lca colorectalclinicalguidelines

Shared Decision Making – rectal cancer Deciding what to do about

through the anus. (back passage). This means monitoring the cancer to see if it is growing and if needed

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - a self-help guide

15 nov. 2019 Small bowel – colon – rectum – anus. Symptoms can originate at ... disease such as cancer also increase symptoms. The nature of the diet ...
IBS Self Help Guide

Northern Cancer Alliance FIT (faecal immunochemical test) in

12 oct. 2020 for people with low and medium risk colorectal symptoms. ... For people without weight loss persistent rectal bleeding or IDA and with ...

  1. rectal cancer symptoms nhs
  2. rectal cancer treatment nhs
  3. rectal cancer prognosis nhs
  4. rectal cancer symptoms male nhs
  5. rectal cancer symptoms female nhs