Manual 4 Australian Emergency Management Thesaurus

NASA Thesaurus Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing With Definitions

Since its founding NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science. The NASA scientific and technical.
thesaurus vol

An Empirical Thesaurus: Meaning Norms for Ninety Common Words

a pastry and ROLL meaning a set of members. Anxiety. Chance. Devotion. Joy. Knowledge. Loyalty ... in a dictionary thesaurus

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

synonym questions to antonym questions; completing these exercises may ask you to identify the synonym for a secondary definition of a ... b. uneasy.
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Subject Headings (sh): controlled vocabulary from the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®. Tests & Measures (tm): lists the test used in the methodology 

INIS Thesaurus

The INIS Thesaurus fits this definition adopted by UNESCO.1. The domain of knowledge covered by the INIS Thesaurus includes physics (in particular.
inis thesaurus english

Dictionary Use – Tutor Hints

synonyms – These are words that have the same or a similar meaning as the entry word. Look at the pronunciation of anxious in the parentheses.
dictionary use hints

CDC Plain Language Thesaurus for Health Communication

communicators and experts add words topics
CDC Plain Language Thesaurus for Health Communication


The IEEE Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary Anxiety disorders. BT: Mental disorders. RT: Emotion recognition ... Software defined networking.
ieee thesaurus

Manual 4 Australian Emergency Management Thesaurus

thesaurus and a glossary of emergency management terms should be developed which would encourage common understanding of definitions and relationships.
manual australian emergency management thesaurus

Language Lessons with CBC Radio - Living in Alberta: Bullying

Synonym. Antonym. Negative. Bad detrimental
language lessons bullying

  1. anxious definition synonyms
  2. anxiety definition thesaurus
  3. anxious meaning thesaurus
  4. nervous definition thesaurus
  5. anxiety meaning thesaurus
  6. anxiety dictionary thesaurus