The Measurement of Perceived Emotional Intelligence for Spanish

Redalyc.Most feared situations related to separation anxiety and

It was used a specific self-report measure for separation anxiety disorder the Separation Anxiety Scale for Children

The factorial structure of the 41-item version of the Screen for Child

Disorders (SCARED) in a Spanish population of 8 to 12 years-old disorder (PD) social phobia symptoms (SP) and school anxiety. Due to the difficulties.

Effectiveness of the program Super Skills For Life in reducing

comorbidity between childhood anxiety and depression disorders ranging between 10-50% (see Garber & Weersing

How does a CBT-based transdiagnostic program for separation

In Spanish schools the preva- lence of anxiety disorders is around 11% (Arias Gonzalez Gonzalez

How does a CBT-based transdiagnostic program for separation

In Spanish schools the preva- lence of anxiety disorders is around 11% (Arias Gonzalez Gonzalez

Psychometric propierties of the Selective Mutism Questionnaire in

Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Anxiety

factor for developing anxiety disorders especially panic attacks Separation Anxiety

The Measurement of Perceived Emotional Intelligence for Spanish

The Spanish shortened version of the Trait Meta-Mood. Scale questionnaire (TMMS-24) and a series of well-known questionnaires of Social Anxiety Disorder 

The Role of Developmental Assets in Gender Differences in Anxiety

25 avr. 2022 Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychological disorders during ... Spain filled in self-report measures of developmental assets and ...

Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

children and higher depression scores in Spanish and Italian children The scale assesses symptoms of social anxiety

  1. social anxiety disorder in spanish language
  2. social anxiety disorder in spanish
  3. social anxiety disorder definition in spanish
  4. social anxiety disorder meaning spanish