For the first time the ECtHR essentially overruled a decision by the

1.33 Cohesion: linking words and phrases

together none is totally synonymous. in other words usually moreover ... ______


worried or excited; uneasy and eager uneasy or fearful about something that might happem ... looking down on other people; feeling superior.
tone word list and definitions ?id=

The Uneasy Case for Favoring Long-Term Shareholders

In other words the firm's current and future shareholders c of the value generated by the firm over time. I will call this a "share only" firm.

Bourdieu's Uneasy Psychoanalysis

adding: "In other words the awakening of consciousness of and the incorporation of the dispositions associated with a definition of the social functions 

For the first time the ECtHR essentially overruled a decision by the

Uneasy Partners: Russia and the European Court of Human Rights In other words the Russian Constitutional Court's interpretation.

Uneasy Terrain: Image Text

and Contemporary

The Uneasy Connection Between Regulating the Undocumented

In other words do current tax and immigra- tion laws increase illegal activity on the part of undocumented immigrants and peo- ple with whom they relate?
Taxation of Undocumented Immigrants Obiokoye BETR

Uneasy Alliances: Lessons Learned from Partnerships between

Uneasy Alliances: Lessons Learned KEY WORDS: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) ... to benefit shareholders


in order to reveal what Gerstner calls the “secret signals” and. “uneasy hinges” perhaps other words for seduction

More on the Uneasy Case for Using Mill-Type Methods in Small-N

In other words the method of agreement employs criteria that cannot distinguish between two radically different situations: one in which none of the variables 

  1. upset other words
  2. uncomfortable other words
  3. awkward other words
  4. anxious other words
  5. restless other words
  6. agitated other words
  7. troubled other words
  8. unease other words