Foveal vs. Parafoveal Processing in Anxiety: Broadened Spatial

Foveal vs. Parafoveal Processing in Anxiety: Broadened Spatial

We investigated the processing of threat-related positive

Memory Bias in Anxiety is Restricted to Threat Cues that Signal

The majority of research examining anxiety-linked memory bias has involved tasks that present participants with threat-related and neutral words (e.g. 

Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety

"Ifeel like my French teacher is some kind of Martian death ray. I never know when he'll point at me!" term specific anxiety reaction to differentiate.

Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders

Globally it is estimated that 4.4% of the global population suffer from depressive disorder

Selective interpretation in anxiety: Uncertainty for threatening events

related words to be pronounced as soon as possible (Calvo & Castillo 1997

An Adapted Word-Sentence Association Paradigm for Generalized

Threat interpretation bias has been assessed in relation to other symptoms and psychological disorders in addition to GAD and worry. Specifically

The emotional Stroop effect in anxiety disorders General

Stimuli were of four kinds: GAD-related words SP-related words
Becker et al. ( ). The emotional stroop effect in anxiety disorders general emotionality or disorder specificity

Anxiety and the Processing of Emotionally Threatening Stimuli

test-anxious girls attended equally to threatening and neutral words. In sum selective attention Although the origins of anxiety-related.

Creating a Low-Anxiety Classroom Environment: What Does

  1. anxiety similar words
  2. anxious similar words
  3. anxiety other words
  4. anxiety another word
  5. anxiety related words
  6. anxious another word
  7. another word for anxious
  8. anxious alternative word