The Pragmatics and Semantics of Temporal Meaning

Tense Meanings and Temporal Interpretation

meaning of the tense morphemes alone do not completely determine the temporal interpretation of a sentence. In a systematic and predictable way 

The Meaning and Discourse Function of the Past Tense in English

considered not to reflect the true meaning of the tense. An example of this so-called tense harmony or sequence of tenses is given below. 4a. Jane said "I 

Nominal Tense? The Meaning of Guaraní Nominal Temporal Markers

Both the past-tense verb form knitted and the temporal adverb yesterday contribute in detail the meaning of the nominal temporal markers of Guarani on.

Nominal Tense? The Meaning of Guaraní Nominal Temporal Markers

Both the past-tense verb form knitted and the temporal adverb yesterday in detail the meaning of the nominal temporal markers of Guaranı on the basis of.


while in the second one it is used in a different meaning. This verb has the meaning of future tense form. In other words
The Comparison of Grammatical Synonyms in Tense Forms of Modern English And Azerbaijani

the meaning of the tenses in new testament greek: where are we

Tense as aspect. First is the fact that the inherent meaning of the. Greek tenses is defined as showing aspect rather than time or Aktionsart.

Fully-Semantic Parsing and Generation: the BabelNet Meaning

22 mai 2022 malisms such as Abstract Meaning Representation. (Banarescu et al. 2013
.acl long.

Grammaticality Time and Tense

semantic and pragmatic variables. It is claimed that the basic 'default' meaning of the tense markers of English can be overruled by purely lingustic means 

Example-based rough translation for speech-to-speech translation

The retrieval of meaning-equivalent sentences is based on content words modality
.mtsummit papers.

The Pragmatics and Semantics of Temporal Meaning

although the primary meaning of tense is temporal non-present tenses may have atemporal meanings in certain contexts. These features characterize certain 

  1. synonym tense
  2. definition of tense
  3. definition tensegrite