TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

Candidates preparing for any one module should make sure that they are familiar with all the words and phrases in the glossary. Candidates for all modules are 
tkt glossary document

Negation of Noun Phrases with not

The first problem arises if we take a closer look at the meaning of a sentence like (7). (7) *Not somebody came. Do we understand this sentence to mean Nobody 

Chapter 3 Noun Phrases Pronouns

noun phrases (NPs). A noun phrase is a noun or pronoun head and all of its modifiers (or the o third person which is anybody or anything else.

On Some Questionable Arguments about Quantifiers and Negation

First it is not clear how a noun phrase like scarcely anybody fits within the domain of this proposal

Exocentric Noun Phrases in English

The term 'exocentric noun phrase' (ENP) refers to a noun phrase without a head noun as someone or anything) and free relatives (relative clauses without ...
Exocentric Noun Phrases in English

Forms of they with singular noun phrase antecedents: Evidence from

would concede the use of they with pronouns like everybody and nobody have difficulty accepting its use with singular noun phrases.

Contents: MyGrammarLab Advanced C1–C2

Verb + prepositional phrase: Anyone wishing to ask a question should feel free to do so. ... suitable for somebody go after
MyGrammarLab Advanced

The Syntax of Predicate Logic

11/10/2008 c. Kermit kissed someone. It is intuitively clear from these examples that noun phrases like every man and no man do not refer to.
lx predicate logic

Nominal Group as Qualifier to 'Someone'

22/07/2017 This research produced four classifications of nominal group as qualifier which were clauses


She is riding someone else's horse. The object which is a noun phrase or a pronoun. She used her old skateboard. Page 

  1. someone noun phrase