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® 50 CHB/E Medium

API 50 CH strip to provide supplementary tests (optional for Bacillus and related genera but essential for. Enterobacteriaceae and Vibrionaceae).
om biomerieux test kits ot package insert

50 430 - R® 50 CHB/E Medium

The API 20 E strip may be used in association with the. API 50 CH strip to provide supplementary tests (optional for Bacillus and related genera but essential 
api CHBE Medium F

® 50 CHL Medium

(see the API 50 CH package insert). • Read after 48 hours of incubation. • A positive test corresponds to acidification revealed by the bromcresol purple 
om biomerieux test kits ot package insert

Différenciation par le système API 50 CH et électrophorèse des

1 janv. 1991 the API 50 Ch system for bacterial identification. This microtechnique and colony aspect were ... Par les tests biochimiques proposés par.


Determination of LAB isolates - API 50 CH test (bioMerieux France);. API software 4.0 identification. - Count of lactic acid bacteria CFU/g yogurt – Koch's 
Satchanska Doklad Hisar

Starch hydrolysis testing of multiple isolates for rapid differentiation

The starch hydrolysis test is essential for its identification. The biochemical reaction for starch in multi-test systems (API 20 Strep and API CH 50) is 

Evaluation of the API 50CHB system for the identification and

1 janv. 1995 carbohydrates and derivatives (API 50CHB strips) plus 12 enzymatic tests (API 20E strips). Using this system

API® Reference Guide

products are test kits for identification of Gram-positive and API 20 E. API 50 CHE. Rapid 20 E. GRAM. BACILLI. OXIDASE. OXIDASE ... API 50 CH.
api ref guide v

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3 sept. 2021 API® 50 CH is a standardized system associating 50 biochemical tests for the study of the carbohydrate metabolism of microorganisms.
IT bioMérieux, SA, FSCA , API® CH

API Engine Oil Classifications

(9) For all viscosity grades: If API CH-4 CI-4 and/or CJ-4 categories precede (16) The aged oil is an end-of-test sample generated either in the ...
api engine oil classifications brochure