Detection of sulphate reducing bacteria in water samples

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Monitoring sulfate-reducing bacteria: comparison of enumeration

The standard medium (API Recommended Practice RP-38) for the enumeration of sulfate-reducing bac- teria (SRB) in oil-field waters was modified by the 
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Monitoring sulfate-reducing bacteria: comparison of enumeration

The standard medium (API Recommended Practice RP-38) for the enumeration of sulfate-reducing bac- teria (SRB) in oil-field waters was modified by the 
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Api Rp 38 Sixth Edition

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Detection of sulphate reducing bacteria in water samples

16 mars 2022 Modified Postgate B broth or Modified API RP-38 broth. The presence and growth of sulphate reducing bacteria is indicated by the medium ...
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API RP 54 Occupational Safety and Health for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Executive Decree 38/09
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No. 38 Guidelines for the Survey of Offshore Mooring Chain Cable in

See API RP 2I (R2015) 3rd Edition (2008-04-01) Section


API RP-38 Broth Bottles. Developed by the American Petroleum Insti- tute and described in its Recommended Practice. No. 38 (Alternative Technique for