2020 Honey Bee Health Treatment Guide (for Manitoba Beekeepers)

Pettis Test - Detecting Varroa Mite Resistance to Apistan Apivar

It uses fluvalinate (Apistan®) amitraz (Apivar) or coumaphos (CheckMite+TM) strips and can test all three products simultaneously on the same group of colonies 
api fs


première intervention (biotechnique ou médicamenteuse) en tout début d'été afin de diminuer la pression parasitaire et pouvoir placer un traitement Apistan® 
Fiche Apistan

Apiculture Factsheet

Alternatively an Apivar
api fs

2020 Honey Bee Health Treatment Guide (for Manitoba Beekeepers)

00560189) or veterinarian directions for feeding this product to bees. The following acaricides: Apistan® Apivar®
honey bee treatment guide

Apivar® and Bayvarol® suppress varroa mites in honey bee

Nov 29 2019 Apistan was commonly used by Maritime beekeepers approximately 10 years ago

Beekeeping Calendar for British Columbia

Look for bee brood pollen and food reserves. Don't bother searching for the queen when eggs are visible. A strip (Apivar or Apistan) and a sticky board for 24 
api fs

2021 Honey Bee Health Treatment Guide (for Manitoba Beekeepers)

00560189) or veterinarian directions for feeding this product to bees. The following acaricides: Apistan® Apivar®
honey bee health treatment guide

Apiculture - Lutte contre Varroa Efficacité des médicaments AMM

AMM Apiguard® Apistan®
lutte contre varroa

2017 Recommendations for Administering Antibiotics and

Honey or syrup stored in the colony during the antibiotic treatment period acaricides: Apistan® Bayvarol® CheckMite+™
administering antibiotics and acaricides to honey bees

Bulletin zoosanitaire - Enquête annuelle sur la mortalité hivernale

Parmi les 316 apiculteurs qui possédaient dix colonies d'abeilles ou plus (amitraze [Apivar®]