2017 Recommendations for Administering Antibiotics and

Pettis Test - Detecting Varroa Mite Resistance to Apistan Apivar

Varroa Mite Resistance to. Apistan Apivar & Coumaphos. Apiculture Bulletin #223. Updated: 10/15. The information on this factsheet has been modified with 
api fs

Apiculture Factsheet

Apivar strips have been highly effective in controlling Varroa mites (not Tracheal Mites). • Amitraz is a contact miticide delivered through an impregnated 
api fs

U.S. EPA Pesticide Product Label


Ineffectiveness of Apistan® treatment against the mite Varroa

1 janv. 1995 publics ou privés. Ineffectiveness of Apistan® treatment against the mite. Varroa jacobsoni Oud in several districts of Lombardy. (Italy).

Apivar® and Bayvarol® suppress varroa mites in honey bee

29 nov. 2019 We found no significant difference between Apivar®. (a.i. amitraz) and bayvarol® (a.i.

2020 Honey Bee Health Treatment Guide (for Manitoba Beekeepers)

The following acaricides: Apistan® Apivar®
honey bee treatment guide

APISTAN (varroa) 1. Efficacité d'APISTAN

14 juin 2013 VITA Abeille - Fiche produit APISTAN (varroa) ... APISTAN est un médicament à base de tau-fluvalinate un puissant acaricide très peu ...
fiche produit apistan varroa copie

2017 Recommendations for Administering Antibiotics and

acaricides: Apistan® Bayvarol® CheckMite+™
administering antibiotics and acaricides to honey bees

Traitement l'Apistan

Le projet a été fait sur deux groupes de 5 ruches infestées par Varroa (Apistan et Checkmite) provoquent la tombée d'un grand nombre de varroas.

2021 Honey Bee Health Treatment Guide (for Manitoba Beekeepers)

The following acaricides: Apistan® Apivar®
honey bee health treatment guide