Fiche technique LMQ24A-SR

Technical data sheet LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR • en-gb • 2022-07-18 • Subject to change. 1 / 5. Modulating damper actuator for adjusting dampers in technical building installations.
belimo LMQ A SR datasheet en gb

Technical data sheet LMQ24A-SR TEL

LMQ24A-SR TEL. Modulating damper actuator for adjusting dampers in technical building installations. • Air damper size up to approx. 0.8 m².
NM Fumecupboard Actuator

Technical data sheet LMQ24A-SR TEL

LMQ24A-SR TEL. Modulating damper actuator for adjusting dampers in technical building installations. • Air damper size up to approx. 0.8 m².
NM Fumecupboard Actuator

Fiche technique LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR • fr-fr • 2022-07-18 • Sous réserve de modifications. 1 / 5. Servomoteur de registre modulant servant au réglage des clapets dans des bâtiments.
belimo LMQ A SR datasheet fr fr

Technical data sheet LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR. Modulating damper actuator for adjusting air control dampers in ventilation and air- conditioning systems for building services installations.

Technical data sheet LMQ24A-SR

Nov 18 2015 LMQ24A-SR. Modulating damper actuator for adjusting dampers in technical building installations. • Air damper size up to approx. 0.8 m².
Belimo LMQ A SR

LMQ24A.. / NMQ24A..

LMQ24A.. NMQ24A.. 2. AC 24 V / DC 24 V. TE. +. DC 010 V. DC 2...10 V. 1. 2. 3. 5. LMQ24A-SR.. LMQ24A-MF.. LMQ24A-SRV-ST. NMQ24A-SR.. NMQ24A-MF.
belimo LMQ A NMQ A installation instructions

Technisches Datenblatt LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR • de-ch • 2022-07-18 • Änderungen vorbehalten. 1 / 5. Stetiger Klappenantrieb für das Verstellen von. Klappen in der technischen.
belimo LMQ A SR datasheet de ch

Scheda tecnica LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR • it-it • 2022-07-18 • Soggetta a modifiche. 1 / 5. Attuatore modulante per la regolazione di serrande dell'aria negli impianti meccanici e.
belimo LMQ A SR datasheet it it

Ficha técnica LMQ24A-SR

LMQ24A-SR • es-es • 2022-07-18 • Sujeto a cambios. 1 / 5. Actuador proporcional para motorizar compuertas en instalaciones técnicas de edificios.
belimo LMQ A SR datasheet es es

  1. lmq24a-srv-st
  2. lmq24a-sr belimo
  3. lmq24a-srv-st belimo
  4. trox lmq24a-srv-st
  5. lmq24a-sr manual