Document Title

Diurnal and seasonal variation of atmospheric dimethylsulfoxide at

16 juil. 2000 (0800 local time) and with 2-6 hour time step depending on the season. ... products at Amsterdam Island during summer time submitted.

Preliminary study of CO 2 variations at Amsterdam Island (Territoire

6 janv. 2022 Local time ( hours ). Fig. 5. One-day evolutions of atmospheric CO2 concentration at. Amsterdam Island in 1980

Processes controlling dimethylsulfide over the ocean: Case studies

20 avr. 1998 and interannual variations observed at Amsterdam Island but underpredicts ... tion 10-m winds were from the real-time local observations.

Evidence of a natural marine source of oxalic acid and a possible

21 avr. 2021 equator overpass time is around 10:00 A.M. local time. ... ples (b) oxalate at Amsterdam Island in clean marine and.

Precipitation Composition and Its Variability in the Southern Indian

21 févr. 2022 ocean region north and east of Amsterdam Island. A strong seasonal signal in the ... when local island emissions of •Rn could influence the.

Eudyptes chrysocome moseleyi during the brooding period

At Amsterdam Island local time is Universal. Time +5 h. Diving-activity analysis and statistics. Dive-depth data were analysed using the software (Dive 
Cherel etal Mar Biol

Document Title

based on local time and also excluding outliers. Locality (indentifier). Period. Source. Alert Nunavut
CAMS SC D . . . v v final

Long-term observations of carbonaceous aerosols in the Austral

15 avr. 2021 here for the first time from almost 5 years of continuous filter sampling performed at. Amsterdam Island (37°48.

Avian cholera outbreaks threaten seabird species on Amsterdam

30 mai 2018 current study were to (i) provide an update of population trends for four threatened seabird species monitored on Amsterdam Island ...

Document Title

the data at each site is selected based on local time and also excluding outliers. Locality (indentifier). Period. Source. Amsterdam Island
CAMS SC D . . . v v