
Level: 3 m.s January 2021 English Test n° 2/ sujet 2

Wassim: Dad what's the difference between lifestyles in the past and now? Father: I always think of the time when I used to live in a farm
Devoir N° Anglais AM

Level: 3 m.s February 2021 English Exam

Isaac Newton was a scientist mathematician and astronomer who was born in Wools Thorpe
Examen Anglais AM

Level 3ms December 2019 First term English Exam

Hello my name is Betty Smith. Let me tell you about my best childhood memories. When I was a child
Composition AM English

Level: 3 m.s May 2021 English Test

Scientists are saying that earth is getting warmer the earth's temperature has been rising and the problem is getting worse.
Devoir Anglais AM..


26 Feb 2018 Ibn Sina was born in the year 980 near Bukhara. Iran. He is known by his Latin name” Avicenna”. He learnt the Coran before he was ten.
english am trim


Third term test N1. Text: Water covers more than 70%/ of the earth's surface. It is a vital source of life for humans and the environment.
english am trim d

Level: 3 m.s May 2021 English Test

People have polluted the air where chemical and other dangerous materials are released into the air by vehicles and factories.
Devoir Anglais AM


Spotlight on English: Book Three substantiates the new English studies syllabus for the Third Year of Middle School as set down by.
Teachers book AM


4 Dec 2017 I match each game/ item of mentioned in the textw with its corresponding picure.(2pts.) ency-education.com/exams. 3am.ency-education.com ...
english am trim

Second Term English Exam Level : 3AM Time : 01h 30

Text: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this fantastic tour of London by bus. I am the guide who will accompany you in this tour.
sahelma am anglais e

  1. anglais 3am sujet
  2. anglais 3am 2ème génération
  3. anglais 3am algerie
  4. revision anglais 3am
  5. livre anglais 3am
  6. projet anglais 3am