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Level: 3 m.s January 2021 English Test n° 2/ sujet 2

Wassim: Dad what's the difference between lifestyles in the past and now? Father: I always think of the time when I used to live in a farm
Devoir N° Anglais AM

Level: 3 m.s February 2021 English Exam

Isaac Newton was a scientist mathematician and astronomer who was born in Wools Thorpe
Examen Anglais AM


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Niveau : 3AM. Année scolaire : 2016-2017 Devoir n°1du 2ème trimestre : a- anglaise b- française c- américaine. 4- Qui est Victor Hugo ?1.
french am trim


Niveau: 3 A.M. Les. Les. Les.. Donne le contraire des mots soulignés. Page 1/2 substituts grammaticaux. Site Internet 
am fr t

Level: 3m.s February 2020 quarter Enlish test / 2

Text. Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous and greatest inventors of all time who was born in Milan Ohio USA on February 11th 1847.
Devoir AM Englais T


Third term test N1. Text: Water covers more than 70%/ of the earth's surface. It is a vital source of life for humans and the environment.
english am trim d

  1. sujet anglais 3am ency education
  2. sujet anglais 3am 1er trimestre
  3. sujet anglais 3am 2021
  4. sujet anglais 3am francais