Methodological tool Demonstration of additionality of microscale

Additionality and Renewable Energy Certificates

7 mars 2016 Additionality is a term used in markets for tradable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions (carbon offsets).
RECs and Additionality

Describing Purchaser Impact in U.S. Voluntary Renewable Energy

Consumers frequently emphasize the “additionality” of their actions descriptive framework to complement well-defined renewable electricity and GHG ...
gpp describing purchaser impact


14 juil. 2021 EU action on renewable energy brings added value because it is more ... RFNBOs as well as to develop a framework on additionality in the.
amendment renewable energy directive climate target with annexes en

Methodological tool Demonstration of additionality of microscale

29 nov. 2018 The definitions contained in the Glossary of CDM terms shall apply. ... Project activities that employ renewable energy technology up to 5 ...
am tool v

Methodological tool Additionality of first-of-its-kind project activities

28 mai 2015 (b). Switch of technology with or without change of energy source including energy efficiency improvement as well as use of renewable energies ( ...
am tool v

Renewable Energy Additionality

Methodological tool Demonstration of additionality of microscale

22 sept. 2017 The definitions contained in the Glossary of CDM terms shall apply. ... The project activity employs specific renewable energy technologies/ ...
am tool v

Briefing paper "Baseline Setting and Additionality Testing within the

Baseline setting is thus critical in terms of defining additionality as an the South African renewable energy project PDDs allowed us to confirm this.
additionality baseline en

A workable approach to additionality geographic and temporal

deployment of renewable energy from grid bottlenecks unlocking the full potential of additionality as it is defined now
. Hydrogen Europe Addionality Position Paper

Additionality for Micro-scale Clean Development Mechanism Project

Renewable energy projects up to 5 megawatts (MW) energy efficiency projects resulting below 20 gigawatt-hour. (GWh) savings per year
cdm brief additionality