How German Adolescents Adjust Vocational Aspirations When

Frictions in Adjusting Earnings: Evidence From Notches in German

Mini jobs provide an ideal setting for quantifying and character- izing earnings adjustment frictions. Mini jobs are tax- and social security contribution-free 
gudgeon m

How does diplomat partners' employment situation affect their

German Foreign Service diplomats who were surveyed regarding their locational adjustment general stress and perceived quality of life using an online 

How does diplomat partners' employment situation affect their

German Foreign Service diplomats who were surveyed regarding their locational adjustment general stress and perceived quality of life using an online 

Occupational routine intensity and the adjustment to job loss

Using data on mass layoffs in Germany between 1980 and 2010 we find that experiencing such an event persistently reduces earnings for all affected workers

Labor Supply Shocks Native Wages

The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots

3 déc. 2019 the dependent employment in full-time equivalents (FTE). Employment data from the IAB for Germany and from OECD.Stat.

Adjusting to Globalization – Evidence from Worker-Establishment

tional trade exposure in the job biographies of roughly 1.2 million manufacturing workers in Germany (1990-2010). Import penetration has substantial “push 

How German Adolescents Adjust Vocational Aspirations When

The German vocational system channels adolescents through apprenticeships which provide entry into vocational career tracks for adult employment.

OECD Employment Outlook 2010: Moving Beyond the Jobs Crisis

adjust labour input in response to declining product market demand and draws Germany and Japan saving over 200 000 and nearly 400 000 jobs respectively ...

How to Reform Worker-Training and Adjustment Policies for an Era

innovation and implications for the labor market (overall number of jobs percent of GDP
innovation employment workforce policies